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Seedhi Sadhi girl who dreams a lot, but does little!

Monday, December 29, 2008


I had been to Dallas recently, in my own car! I have lived in big cities, crowded cities, where traffic jams rule the roads. But, never on my own car. Having driven only in a small place like Norman, where you own almost the entire road, and the only (very) irritating thing that you will ever come across would be the STOP signs,  driving in Dallas was something that I absolutely hated, and I am sure I will hate it forever. 

The traffic jams in Chennai(where I lived mostly) were horrible, and don't even ask about Mumbai! Thats exactly why I liked those crowded trains more than those buses! But looking back, it was not even half as bad as making me want to leave the city! Maybe because I never drove myself there. Yes, withing minutes of being in downtown Dallas, I wanted to get away from there!!! I din't mind going back without having spent te day's woth there in the city! All I wanted to do was to get out of the crowd! OH, look what a year's stay in a place like Norman can do to you! Now I am left with two options, settle down in the smallest town I find ( still assuming that I am going back to India sometime :P) or never drive myself in the big city I want to live in!

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